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Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Xlaw seemed like he wanted to play before alignments were handed out since he wanted to be part of E4 yet I dont see him actually post when the game actually started, its sus that theres this sudden drop in activity

Idk who Kafka and doddgy are

Might have to iso Pero and Reborn since I havent seen anything that pinged me, but ya I've been focused on others mostly
In OP game Xlaw posted a lot more in the scum chat than in the game. So I guess it's possible that he would be scum here.

Kefka never played before I think. He might be truly inactive.

Pero's been posting less with each passing game. As for Reborn not sure.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
I wonder if i should share that pokemon i got....but it might be dangerous if some bad guy has it as well......well it's weird that i got it and i'm not scum since it seems to be having more of a scum ability
Supposedly we only get one copy of each pokemon though. The OP states so as well.
i dont like u avoiding responsibility. i have not called it scummy. is it? are u scum? you tell me prof
This is a very similar argument to the one you made in Ratchet’s game on D1. I’m perceptive of things that look like people trying to set me up/scum read me for inauthentic reasons lol. It was correct on you in that game and correct on SK in Favs. Smart scum town read me lol.

I’ve thought you looked more townie overall, but this is now a double down of what you did in Ratchet’s game.

i gave my thoughts on u and odd multiple times, anything in particular u want me to comment on?
Only general reads ie overall alignment. You haven’t commented on the actual things I’ve said. What do you think of Odd’s E4 agenda and how it looks like he is manufacturing reads to fit it? Or that he refuses to elaborate on his reads or provide examples of things he says peolle are doing that are scummy.

Ekko and Odd aren't scum
They actually tried to Defend Sallu
Odd was not defending Sallu until he claimed when it was too late to deviate. And then before Sallu even flipped Odd was already shifting blame and saying “this is the E4’s fault” and pre flipping Sallu as town. Odd said he scum read Sallu and was okay with the wagon until the final few minutes

Also, for Ekko & Odd, people don’t get credit for trying to save someone at the very end in a way that doesn’t accomplish anything. That’s something scum can do to try and look townie.
I think Dnine would be a good choice. Still let's hear what our fellow E4 @Underworld Broker and @Dr_Professor83 have to say.

Ah and @Worst too

Our rental Champ
@Dr_Professor83 what's ur opinion on players after the flip?
I think Odd looks the worst for how he handled things. But I’m about to do a full reread. Whether Odd is scum or not what Ekko said about my focus being too narrow is probably correct. I have a bad habit of getting into tunnels and not noticing things happening around me.

I think Dnine needs to be flipped bc depending on if he’s town/scum changes who I think has the most scum equity. If Dnine is scum then I think scum would have tried to encourage the Sallu CFD/be early on it. If Dnine is town then scum didn’t really have to do anything and would probably just be sitting back for the most part not driving things.

Xlaw seemed like he wanted to play before alignments were handed out since he wanted to be part of E4 yet I dont see him actually post when the game actually started, its sus that theres this sudden drop in activity
This is a good point on Xlaw lol.
If it's a tie or sth, I need a tie breaker vote because my RNG luck sucks and it will def hit the wrong person if I RNG xD.
Just have your vote count for 2? Which would be 7 VP floating around lol.
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