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I'm actually starting to wonder if Oddfruit has a similar role to what I had in nittys rpg mafia game on nf, where my indie partners and I basically had to keep the king in power until endgame. Oddfruit seems like he has to challenge the E4 and champion for whatever reason

Or maybe hes just doing it cause he wants to
I have to do it sorryz, because of the town win condition


How far I'll go...
if there is anything ratchet taught me

its to extend good faith

i sent u smth in the name of good faith @Flowa

if u want to bitcoin trade u can throw me ur hex lol

if i made a mistake then fk good fiath lol



How far I'll go...
You're a special kind of stupid, don't talk to me anymore
im fine being called that

it really doesnt hurt to hear sallu's PoV on the matter

u can give him a good fake while u got the chance

if i find him towny i'll consider flowa/ratchet again or broki prolly

we'll see

meeyuri xlaw still scum potentially as well
Sorry guys for my inactivity....I'll be back in the evening.

Ekko has disruptive ability...don't know if it's good or bad . Decide yourself..

Wanted to to share before going to work
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