Fanclub King the Wildfire Fanclub

Again I hope Oda uses him in the final chapter so that we know more about the Lunarians. Seriously, also want canon interaction with Robin as well.
Holding my fingers crossed.

Look what I found yesterday, it's a page in japanese giving a summary about King, for which I turned the machine translation to read:

If it's a hint that King truly has something to do with Im, Oda is probably planning something for this amazing character.

This is the original page:


I will never forgive Oda
King Fanclub, I'm gathering you for our most pressing issue...

What is King's real name? Alber or Arbel? I'm only asking this because VIZ translates it as Alber.

But VIZ also translates Zoro as Zolo

So if Zolo is really Zoro, is Alber really Arbel?

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
King Fanclub, I'm gathering you for our most pressing issue...

What is King's real name? Alber or Arbel? I'm only asking this because VIZ translates it as Alber.

But VIZ also translates Zoro as Zolo

So if Zolo is really Zoro, is Alber really Arbel?
*Translation note: Japanese name is “アルベル” which has different romanizations (Arbel/Aluber/Arbert/Alubel...)

@Den_Den_Mushi or @AwakenedCabbage can confirm.

I believe Alber is fine. Iirc Viz translates it as Zolo to avoid copyrights due to Zorro lol.
King Fanclub, I'm gathering you for our most pressing issue...

What is King's real name? Alber or Arbel? I'm only asking this because VIZ translates it as Alber.

But VIZ also translates Zoro as Zolo

So if Zolo is really Zoro, is Alber really Arbel?
At first glance, when I saw the Japanese name アルベル, my first thought was that it should be Alber, even though TCB translated it as Arber. Then I saw in Wiki that it could be Arbel, and frankly, it blew my mind.

First, let's look at the pronunciation:
When names in English end with -er, like "Chopper" for example, they are usually written with the letter ー, which is elongating the last vowel (Choppaa).
When names end in el, like "Enel", they are usually written with the letter ル (Eneru).
This rule is not set in stone, but it supports the Arbel option.

Second, there's a One Piece filler episode with a female character named Arbell. Her name is Japanese in Wiki is アルベル, exactly like our King's.

Now, let's look at the meanings of all the name options. I know what Arbel means, so I googled the other names and here's what I found:

The name Arber is rooted in the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture. It is a name for someone who worked as a person who ran a lodging house. This surname is a metonymic form of the surname Harberer, and is derived from the Old English word herebeorg, which means shelter or lodging.
Doesn't sound to me like anything to do with King.

I didn't find such a name without the ending T, it seems to me like a French or other pronunciation of the name Albert.
Albert is a masculine given name. It is derived from the Germanic Adalbert and Adelbert, containing the words adal ("noble") and beraht ("bright", compare Robert).
Do you think "noble" and "bright" describe King? Umm... could be but these are not the first words I'd use to describe him...

Mount Arbel (Hebrew: הר ארבל, Har Arbel) is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs...
As you can see in the picture, mount Arbel looks very similar to the Red Line, where King's tribe is said to have originated from. Also, the Holy Land resides on the Red Line cliffs, while Mount Arbel resides in the real "Holy Land" - Israel. I think it's cool if he bears the name of the place of his origin. Besides, as an Israeli myself, I'm biased. I adore that name.

So my choice is definitely Arbel.
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I will never forgive Oda
At first glance, when I saw the Japanese name アルベル, my first thought was that it should be Alber, even though TCB translated it as Arber. Then I saw in Wiki that it could be Arbel, and frankly, it blew my mind.

First, let's look at the pronunciation:
When names in English end with -er, like "Chopper" for example, they are usually written with the letter ー, which is elongating the last vowel (Choppaa).
When names end in el, like "Enel", they are usually written with the letter ル (Eneru).
This rule is not set in stone, but it supports the Arbel option.

Second, there's a One Piece filler episode with a female character named Arbell. Her name is Japanese in Wiki is アルベル, exactly like our King's.

Now, let's look at the meanings of all the name options. I know what Arbel means, so I googled the other names and here's what I found:

The name Arber is rooted in the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture. It is a name for someone who worked as a person who ran a lodging house. This surname is a metonymic form of the surname Harberer, and is derived from the Old English word herebeorg, which means shelter or lodging.
Doesn't sound to me like anything to do with King.

I didn't find such a name without the ending T, it seems to me like a French or other pronunciation of the name Albert.
Albert is a masculine given name. It is derived from the Germanic Adalbert and Adelbert, containing the words adal ("noble") and beraht ("bright", compare Robert).
Do you think "noble" and "bright" describe King? Umm... could be but these are not the first words I'd use to describe him...

Mount Arbel (Hebrew: הר ארבל, Har Arbel) is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs...
As you can see in the picture, mount Arbel looks very similar to the Red Line, where King's tribe is said to have originated from. Also, the Holy Land resides on the Red Line cliffs, while Mount Arbel resides in the real "Holy Land" - Israel. I think it's cool if he bears the name of the place of his origin. Besides, as an Isreali myself, I'm biased. I adore that name.

So my choice is definately Arbel.
I like the break down, I always thought Arbel sounded the best too especially with the history surrounding the name. Alber is definitely regal if you take it as a form of Albert but it’s a bit commonly for someone like King.

It’s cool that he might be named after the red cliffs itself, that’s a great connection to his heritage
I’ll take any hope I can cling onto, what’s your theory ?
It's a theory about the ancient weapons.

"Road to Laughtale" Vol.3 had a page about Joy Boy, summing everything about his connection to the ancient weapons. That's where I came up with the idea that maybe each weapon needs a trio: a controlling person of some race, huge beasts connected to that race and a huge ship. The secret legend of Joy Boy must be passed down or otherwise reach this era from 800 years ago.

Poseidon is the god of the sea, and we have Shirahoshi, sea kings and the ship Noah. Joy Boy's legend was passed down in her family.

Pluton is the god of the underworld, it is in Wano, where there's a volcano (didn't Kaido and Big Mom fall straight into Hell?) The ship resides beneath ancient sunken Wano. The controlling person is Momo and the beast is Zunesha. There was no need for Zunesha to pass down the legend as he is still alive.

Uranus is the god of the sky. The only other person who knows the secret legend of Joy Boy (other than Roger and Oden, who learned it in Laugh Tale from the story of Joy Boy himself) is King. It was King who told Kaido about Joy Boy, mistaking him at first to be the one.

King belongs to the srongest sky people race, who were once considered to be gods. There's a reason his race was persecuted by the World Government to the verge of extinction. His race poses a great threat to the World Government. What could be more of a threat than an ancient weapon not under their control?

Kaido declared he planned to lay his hand on all three ancient weapons. Why would he declare that openly if he didn't think he already had one, or even two of the weapons?

The legend part is based, but as for the trio, I practically have nothing that I can prove. Except perhaps that we saw Jack's and Queen's ships, but we havn't seen King's ship at all.

When I presented this theory in Hebrew, I've been told that Enel has a ship, and Gunfall has a big bird. But none of them had the legend passed down to them. The legend with Joy Boy's name only passes down in the families of ancient wepons. Besides, Enel's ship was new, and there are many big birds in one piece (including the one at the very beginning that caught luffy in it's beak when he tried to hunt it).

So what do you think? Could King be the anceint weapon Uranus? Could it be that his story, just like Momo's, is merely beginning?


I will never forgive Oda
So what do you think? Could King be the anceint weapon Uranus? Could it be that his story, just like Momo's, is merely beginning?
I can see Uranus requiring a Lunarian, 100%. The fact they were on the Redline and King is waiting for Joyboy definitely seems like a decent start of that connection. I don't think it'll require King himself though. I can see Oda adding in another Lunarian in the future, potentially if Enel ever returns with his moon lore.
I can see Uranus requiring a Lunarian, 100%. The fact they were on the Redline and King is waiting for Joyboy definitely seems like a decent start of that connection. I don't think it'll require King himself though. I can see Oda adding in another Lunarian in the future, potentially if Enel ever returns with his moon lore.
Well, as far as we know at this point, King is the last Lunarian. Even when Queen wondered about Sanji's fire, he totally ignored Zoro to stare at Sanji. This shift of his eyes can tell you he's still looking for other Lunarians. If he was aware of even one other in existence, he'd keep his eyes on Zoro.

King is famous through his wanted poster. If any other Lunarian existed in hiding somewhere, they'd try to make contact with him secretly somehow. Like I explained, he knows of none so I highly doubt there will be another.

With the Fishmen, it seems many of them know the name of Nika, as many of them were slaves, but only king Neptune could tell Robin the legend of Joy Boy, using this name. Also Zunesha knows the name of Joy Boy, as he was his nakama. It looks like everyone knew him by the name of Nika, except his nakama and their descendants, who were familiar with his real name, Joy Boy.

If Oda comes up with another Lunarian, he'd have to be King's brother or something to know Joy Boy by his real name.