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ok so now that we didn't clarified things, am i yeeting Ekko or not ?

what would his death give to us if he's town what if he's scum ? though between him and pero one is scum guaranteed imho


What could have been...
I can accept lots of weird things in SRM. I think Ekko's reaction was independently scummy, though.
we can talk about this all day
i was right u had no result
bc u cant have one on me. i am town
and i am basically unredirectable of players target me. but if the redirect was on my target like a bus drive my abilities will be redirected

u cant have copped me or tracked me for an incriminating result

its called being confident that u r bullshitting. and called being busy pursuing other players at the moment

u can feel free to break down why its scummy. u have my undivided attention now ratchy


What could have been...
i was left at that discussion about you saying u got targetted by a kill and people saying it was fake so.......
yo tan is the one revealing it
do u scum read him too?

also i was in 0 threat of being lynched b4 that reveal. and the reveal does not contradict with jules info

why r ppl saying its fake. what reason do they have to discredit the WU

i think odd is scum hes being opposing every single town success this game


Holy Simp
I unignored Pein just to find him ekkosheeping in his posts
I am inclined to vote between Ekko or Pein here, what is the case on Peroroncino?
I didn't understand fully, someone make me understand so I can opt voting there
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