Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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There are very few characters that are worthy of joining the SH at this point.

The only ones I would immediately accept without having to force myself are Vivi (technically she's already a member), Bon Clay (love him, he fits right in with everyone) or Marco (my boy deserves to reach Laugh tale)
And you think he will do that? People on twitter and Youtube going to eat him a live xD.
Funny how different the reaction of us is to compare to Twitter right now. They cry of joy, we are angry at few plots who are messed up(it feels that way).
this forum is having completely different reactions to discord and twitter rn and im like how are people reacting like this.....chapter was fucking terrible AND THEY THINK ITS PEAK FICITION??????? ARE WE READING THE SAME FUCKING THING???? :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::lusalty:
On one hand, Carrot ot appearing gives more fuels to the "Carrot will sneak again" theory because no showing her giving good bye to the SHs would be REALLY weird...but at the same time Oda has been written like an amateur as of late so its very possible he simply didnt bother
Damn, seriously? I thought that what Orochi did was quite cartoonishly evil, per Oda’s course, obviously, but to have these words, like, Oda is probably trying to pun Oden’s words, as him being born to boil, but it really comes off as awkward, especially since the entire clan was massacred before Orochi usurped the role of shogun, if things stand as they are, with the people of Wano still sucking that retard’s cock off, and are willing to kill people just for their bloodlines, I kinda understand why Orochi acted this way, probably I would have done the same in his shoes :kayneshrug:. The lesson in this is that morality=power, Orochi can do whatever he wants with Kaidou alive, and now that Luffy is protecting the Kozukis, rather than the Kurozumis, they can act like barbarians upon their own, thanks Oda.
To think I was even starting to like Momo because he was *gasp* starting to be his own person and not following all the shit Oden wanted to do because he’s so cool etc, this whole chapter regarding the Kurozumis, and his pointless drama with Luffy strikes back, and brings me to reality.
Thank God Wano is over, fuck the minks, fuck the people of Wano, and fuck Nika.
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