Anime & Manga Oda's not so subliminal messages

It's always funny to see people like you constantly bashing one of the characters Oda loves the most.

I wonder how much you must suffer knowing that Sanji receives way more attention than Zoro both by Oda and other authors.
Sanji is a disgrace to OP community
A character whose entire existence is being built on molesting, sexualizing and also being a pedo. What more do you expect?
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It's always funny to see people like you constantly bashing one of the characters Oda loves the most.

I wonder how much you must suffer knowing that Sanji receives way more attention than Zoro both by Oda and other authors.
That's the reason Zoro is the second most popular character, xd
That's the reason Zoro is the second most popular character, xd
I'm not talking about the fandom. Sanji had an arc focused on him while the expectations on Wano being "Zoro arc" turned out to be nothing; Oda has made the effort to enrich his backstory (which was great to begin with) and even gave him a character arc to be closed in Wano (meanwhile, he doesn't really care about "Shimotsuki whatever Zoro" and pretty much discards any plot line he ever intended for it according to SBS 101); Sanji has a multi-chapter spin-off by Tsukuda and Saeki dedicated to him; heck, even a cook book was published and a real restaurant exists based on his cooking.

Sure, Zoro is the second most popular character; yet look at how, how, how little both Oda and other authors truly care about him in comparison to Sanji. Sanji had two detailed flashbacks, a whole arc narratively focused on him and his themes, character development during Wano, one long spin-off protagonized by him and even a real world restaurant. What does Zoro have in comparison...?

Zoro is cool to read; Sanji is interesting to write. Huge difference for an author, whatever the average fan prefers.
I'm not talking about the fandom. Sanji had an arc focused on him while the expectations on Wano being "Zoro arc" turned out to be nothing; Oda has made the effort to enrich his backstory (which was great to begin with) and even gave him a character arc to be closed in Wano (meanwhile, he doesn't really care about "Shimotsuki whatever Zoro" and pretty much discards any plot line he ever intended for it according to SBS 101); Sanji has a multi-chapter spin-off by Tsukuda and Saeki dedicated to him; heck, even a cook book was published and a real restaurant exists based on his cooking.

Sure, Zoro is the second most popular character; yet look at how, how, how little both Oda and other authors truly care about him in comparison to Sanji. Sanji had two detailed flashbacks, a whole arc narratively focused on him and his themes, character development during Wano, long spin-offs protagonized by him and even a real world restaurant. What does Zoro have in comparison...?

Zoro is cool to read; Sanji is interesting to write. Huge difference for an author, whatever the average fan prefers.
Sanji had a spinoff coz he's a cook, an author whose main work is about a manga which revolves around cooking decides to pay tribute to Oda by using his character, do you expect Zoro or Nami to be a character of his focus?

Books, restaurant are superficial, this is so fucking dumb to even mention it.
Those are tributed by fans, the same million dollars worth action figures being collected by Zoro's fans.

A whole arc whose focus was on Sanji bitching about his family and his his greatest feat was baking a cake, wait he even perv on an underaged girl, how is that even his arc? Lmao
If there's no complex backstory for Zoro, then why does Oda needs to bring one?
There has not been a single arc in OP where both are present and Sanji got more exposure or feats or attention than Zoro.
Sanji had a spinoff coz he's a cook, an author whose main work is about a manga which revolves around cooking decides to pay tribute to Oda by using his character, do you expect Zoro or Nami to be a character of his focus?

Books, restaurant are superficial, this is so fucking dumb to even mention it.
Those are tributed by fans, the same million dollars worth action figures being collected by Zoro's fans.

A whole arc whose focus was on Sanji bitching about his family and his his greatest feat was baking a cake, wait he even perv on an underaged girl, how is that even his arc? Lmao
If there's no complex backstory for Zoro, then why does Oda needs to bring one?
There has not been a single arc in OP where both are present and Sanji got more exposure or feats or attention than Zoro.
Blah, blah, blah; the hard facts here are:

—No author focused on fighting scenes has cared to draw an original spin-off for Zoro; the closest thing was that short remake of his first fight with Mihawk. Meanwhile, Sanji is interesting enough for another author to write almost 300 pages so far of brand new content for him.

—Oda writes a 150+ long arc focused on swordsmen from feudal Japan and even hints at Zoro having more backstory and links to the Shimotsuki, yet decides to sideline him (no gathering the samurai, no visiting Ryuma's grave, no avenging Yasu, no becoming the new Ryuma...) and openly discards any intention of exploring his character further in a SBS. Like he doesn't even have the desire to work with this character in a deeper way.

—He also takes the trouble to develop a character arc for Sanji through Zou, Whole Cake and Wano, to the point of focusing his fight against Queen on closing his conflict about using science and becoming what Judge wanted for him. Meanwhile, Zoro just does more of the same: fight, fight, fight. For an author who loves characters over battles, Zoro's battle feats (which are ultimately pointless as he still ended up having the expected Bonez/Kaku as his actual milestone for this arc) pale in comparison to Sanji's character moments. I mean, no matter how much your gang laughed at it: I'm convinced Oda would choose the "Robin, help me!" moment over any "King of Hell" feat Zoro had.

(Note: I'm not saying Zoro needed more backstory and such; personally I didn't even like what he did with Germa and Sanji, but this is about Oda's intentions, and so far he chose to give Sanji a whole additional arc, a whole additional backstory, a whole additional character arc... while he put next to zero effort on Zoro. That should tell you something about which of the two he'd rather write about).

Again, I know you guys love to bash Sanji. But when Oda has the chance to develop his characters, to build psychological arcs for them, to explore his themes and concepts..., in other words, to actually work as a writer, it's Sanji who receives all the attention. He could have done tons of things with Zoro, every theme this character embodies was present in Wano (even those touched upon during his flashback with Kuina); yet he chose to do nothing but, in the best case, hint at stuff to later discard most plot seeds he planted for him.

Should tell you something.
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Zoro only said one sentence at the end of Wano

Black blade, ZKK, visit ryuma's tomb and so on, all the fans expected did not come true

Does Oda not love Zoro anymore?I swear, if anyone says Zoro is Oda's favorite character, I'll laugh at him:josad:
Blah, blah, blah; the hard facts here are:

—No author focused on fighting scenes has cared to draw an original spin-off for Zoro; the closest thing was that short remake of his first fight with Mihawk. Meanwhile, Sanji is interesting enough for another author to write almost 300 pages so far of brand new content for him.

—Oda writes a 150+ long arc focused on swordsmen from feudal Japan and even hints at Zoro having more backstory and links to the Shimotsuki, yet decides to sideline him (no gathering the samurai, no visiting Ryuma's grave, no avenging Yasu, no becoming the new Ryuma...) and openly discards any intention of exploring his character further in a SBS. Like he doesn't even have the desire to work with this character in a deeper way.

—He also takes the trouble to develop a character arc for Sanji through Zou, Whole Cake and Wano, to the point of focusing his fight against Queen on closing his conflict about using science and becoming what Judge wanted for him. Meanwhile, Zoro just does more of the same: fight, fight, fight. For an author who loves characters over battles, Zoro's battle feats (which are ultimately pointless as he still ended up having the expected Bonez/Kaku as his actual milestone for this arc) pale in comparison to Sanji's character moments. I mean, no matter how much your gang laughed at it: I'm convinced Oda would choose the "Robin, help me!" moment over any "King of Hell" feat Zoro had.

(Note: I'm not saying Zoro needed more backstory and such; personally I didn't even like what he did with Germa and Sanji, but this is about Oda's intentions, and so far he chose to give Sanji a whole additional arc, a whole additional backstory, a whole additional character arc... while he put next to zero effort on Zoro. That should tell you something about which of the two he'd rather write about).

Again, I know you guys love to bash Sanji. But when Oda has the chance to develop his characters, to build psychological arcs for them, to explore his themes and concepts..., in other words, to actually work as a writer, it's Sanji who receives all the attention. He could have done tons of things with Zoro, every theme this character embodies was present in Wano (even those touched upon during his flashback with Kuina); yet he chose to do nothing but, in the best case, hint at stuff to later discard most plot seeds he planted for him.

Should tell you something.
Tako, that's what Oda is telling us.
Tako, that's what Oda is telling us.
Because Sanji is a pervert. Zoro is treated as if he was stupid throughout this story, Oda just doesn't take his story as serious as you do so he allows himself to mock his characters a bit (as any mature author does, by the way).

At the end of the day, Zoro's character plots are discarded while Sanji gets a whole additional arc plus backstory plus character development. It's almost like Oda isn't as interested in Zoro as he's in Sanji as a writer.
Zoro only said one sentence at the end of Wano

Black blade, ZKK, visit ryuma's tomb and so on, all the fans expected did not come true

Does Oda not love Zoro anymore?I swear, if anyone says Zoro is Oda's favorite character, I'll laugh at him:josad:
That's what I do when I read Luffy and Zoro's moments that show why they're conquerors and then a see a Tako lover pretending that he's one too.
That's what I do when I read Luffy and Zoro's moments that show why they're conquerors and then a see a Tako lover pretending that he's one too.
Zoro has nothing to do with Luffy, who is the whole focus of this story; don't even compare those two, all this manga is built around Luffy. Sanji doesn't need to pretend to be a conqueror, he still gets everything Zoro lacks and actually takes time and effort, starting by interest from the author to work with his character.

If you think Zoro having conqueror's haki shows more interest from Oda than everything he has done with Sanji since Zou (don't even need to count before that) then you're deluding yourself. Zoro isn't irrelevant, he for sure is an important piece of this story, but the treatment he has been given by Oda is ridiculous in comparison.

We entered Wano with huge potential for Zoro; ended up wasted.
Oda loves sanji so much, that's why in the interviews he said to not speak ill of zoro and that sanji will never be cool again
Zolo is a racist and lost so wtf are you talkin about dont forget that sanji saved the useless cross and we nothing know about zolo HAHAHAHH only that he is lost and he dont have parents zolo
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If this was any other character it would be the end of the world but this is the norm for the cook I suppose.
Zolo is a racist so wtf are you talkin about