Franky getting less than 472 is unfair after he defeated Sasaki solo and oneshot a Number.
Not exactly solo, Sasaki got a bit distracted which allowed Framky to land his lught blade attack and then usw that wound to defeat him.

But yes it was solo, however don't be surprised. I don't like being sure of this.

Keep in mind hus current bounty is less than 100 mil. Would be too much of a jumo straught to 500 mil.
Tbh I think Zoro might have also 1,1-1,2 billion at most

While Sanji 900 mil - 1 bil at most

They don't have to match Calamity bounties individually. Luffy got a 1 billion increase for defeating two sweet commanders one 800 mil and one 1 bil, he didn't surpass their total bounty. And his current bounty still doesn't come close to Shanks/Kaido/BM either, even tho he beat Kaido, but the total bounties of the trio captains surpass the total boubties of Kaido + BM.
the way I see it you get a higher bounty than the strongest person you defeated so beating cracker in the grand scheme of things when he has beaten katakuri doesn't factor in all that much .

luffy's current bounty doesn't reflect how high it should have been cause kidd and law have some of it lol .

unless oda plans on splitting it with the three calamities + f6 the same way ( would be weird but unsuprising)
they should be higher lol.

tldr if the wg thinks sanji beat queen , he gets a bounty higher than queen . if they just know sanji zoro robin jinbei robin etc beat king , queen , who's who ..... then its prob a lesser figure but distributed more evenly.