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Talent is something you make bloom.
I'm not really a Tolkien expert but I'm pretty sure he was rather open minded for his own time too. I think the worst you can say about him is that he had an irrational fear of machinery and technological advancement, famously hating airplanes.
I don't doubt that he was.

Doesn't mean much comparing 100 years ago with today's standards.
There are countries that, TO THIS DAY, have "anti-homossexual" laws. L-A-W-S.
Apartheid wasn't even 100 years ago.

Jinbe's bounty is nowhere near 1Billion. His bounty was already updated after Marineford. He went from 250 to 438.

He had 438 being under the umbrella of a 4Billion Yonkou. Now he is under the umbrella of a 3Billion Yonko and has defeated a moron everyone knew wasn't in his league. He'll barely get to the 700.
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