You are looking at it the wrong and your wording about Zoro's contribution makes you look like a Zoro hater.

The thing about the recent bounties issued is that Luffy, Kid and Law were given 3 bil each as they were together seen as a bigger threat than BM and Kaido whose combined bounty was less than 9 bil. So if those three can be seen as a greater threat because they defeated the two Yonko and hence receive a greater overall bounty than Sanji and Zoro must also be given bounties that surpass the threats that they defeated (as long as we are speculating).
I don't care enough about Zoro to hate it.

And you assessment is assuming so much that is not feasible. The fact of the matter is that Law, kid and Luffy didn't surpass the bounties of the threads they defeated. They fell short because they simply aren't enough of a threat (in the eyes of the gov). Not only are you assuming that YC are the same as Yonko (we know they aren't), but also stating something false and using it to create your hypothesis (Law, kid and Luffy surpassed the Yonko so Zoro and Sanji should also do so, when the fact is that the trio dd not even got close to the bounties BM and Kaido).