How can jack have a higher bounty as sanji?
it doesn't matter after defeating an opponent with 1.3 bil belli.. as someone with 330mil belli it oughta be lower than Queen naturally and then the whole thing with bounty rarely going up after 300 mil
there is a chance.. slight at that that he get real close to zoro's but if luffy defeating Katakuri and Cracker both worth 1.8bil plus and he just gets 1 billion more i other words nearly half of the combined bounties he defeated especially all the clout he got from Wci..then what do you think is gonna happen to someone with 330 mill belli who defeated an opponent with 1.3 bil belli with no specific clout? sanji isn't just getting a 1 billion boost like wci luffy and with all the technicalities him hitting 1. 1 bil is max potential would be surprising if he hits 1.2 or above
and low balling its 950 mil above range below there is a possibility that he will get 1 bil or above but given how much luffy did in wci compared to Sanji and how he got nearly half of of the amount that he defeated.. its likely sanji might fall short
- Zoro is the only other Strawhat besides Luffy to get a bounty over 1 Billion
- Sanji is just below 1 Billion
- Chopper has a serious bounty
- Jimbe also has an updated title
more to come soon
Sanji defeat two tobi roppo(page one) ,xdrake, and defeat Queen and sanji defeat fodder too. And sanji is now a yonko commander luffy was not a yonko in WCI but if the captain bounty increase then the commanders increase too ;)
ya know Onigashima was the main stage so barley anything is counted from wano itself

yes Capitan clout is there.. which increases chances of him hitting a billion but given his current bounty i doubt it will increase as much as wci luffy or that extent