One thing I'm sure of is that straw hats will have a lower bounty than their Red Hair Pirates counterpart, as I believe Oda doesn't want Luffy and his crew to officially surpass Shanks and his crew before the Blackbeard fight. (imo that the real reason why Luffy bounty is only 3b)
Not that it help much, as we have no idea what the fuck Ben Beckman/Lucky Loo/Yasopp are worth
I'm still coping that we'll get the former shichibukai bounties too.
I really don't want to wait for the VCs
I think there is a good possibility we'll get them sooner or later in the manga. Buggy for sure in the future, Weeble at the first chance we see him, Mihawk and Croco with a high probability.

Not Boa's, because I think the marines have captured her. If Oda decides to reveal her new bounty at all, it could be shown in VC.