I didnt mean that I thought it was a pun, sorry. I just think it was a translation error since in the Viz version l, it says Kurozumi was born to burn which means that Hiyori was referring to Orochi alone. Since It's a call back to Oden's last words. I dont think she meant the whole fucking clan which is what people think and they make her sound like the next Hitler which I absolutely hate
It's not a translation error

Japanese readers are getting the same idea on the original japanese
You should pay attention to what you actually write and your arguments and to actually read what people write in response.

They aren't see as a bigger threat because their bounties are lower. As I wrote in my response.

And in this you are equating YC to a Yonko for no reason and claiming that they are see as bigger threats when in reality they not only gave a lower bounty but didn't even bothered to try to differentiate between the trio. As I wrote in my response.

So instead of claiming that people didn't read your post, try to pay attention to what you actually write. The reasoning that Law, Luffy and Kid are bigger threats than BM and Kaido based on bounties is retarded and using this retarded logic to speculate bounties for other people is stupid.
There is enough evidence that defeating a threat (someone who has a bounty) leads to your bounty being higher than the threat you defeated. Luffy defeats the East Blue guys (Buggy, Kreig, Arlong) and he gets his 30 mil bounty after defeating Arlong (20 mil). Luffy defeats Crocodile (81 mil) and gets 100 mil bounty. Luffy defeats Doffy (340 mil) and he gets a raise (although Luffy already had 400 mil at that time) to 500 mil. Law (440 mil) also get his to 500 mil after that. Luffy defeated Kata and Cracker and his bounty was greater than either one (1.5 bil). You can add other accomplishments that he did that and that too but the pattern is pretty much clear that you get a bigger bounty than those you defeated. BM and Kaido are the first Yonko's to have been defeated, previously the enemies were Warlords (with frozen bounties) and WG. The first bounty is a big thing (it is given after a series of involvements/incidents it seems). One exception is Mr.1 (75 mil, don't know how he got a bounty when he was a bounty hunter) having a higher bounty than Zoro (60 mil) but this was Zoro's first bounty.

I agree Yonko's are different cases since their repo is built over time (others also but they are not Warlords allied with WG) and they are monsters individually (except Bugg) but you seem to be missing the point. The WG sees them as an alliance vs alliance fight. Kaido and BM, Best pirates and BM pirates vs the SN trio, SHPs, Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates. The captains of the Yonko alliance are defeated by the captains of the SN alliance. Therefore the overall bounty of Kaido (4.611 bil) and BM (4.388) which is 8.999 bil is lower than Luffy (3 bil), Kid (3 bil) and Law (3 bil). Why does the WG not differentiate between the share of work done by each SN captain. We as readers know that Luffy did a lot more than Kid or Law but the WG does not care, to them it is the accomplishment of an alliance and the captains of the alliance are equal in their eyes. Take BB for an example he captured Ace (550 mil), became Warlord, broke and recruited ID Level 6 prisoners and then beat the WB remnants (the highest bounty being Marco 1.37 bil) and then BB got a bounty of 2.247 bil or something.

The other thing is that Zoro's bounty has been higher than Luffy's last bounty when crew achievements have been shown. Luffy's first was 30 mil, Zoro's first is 60 mil. Luffy's second is 100 mil, Zoro gets 120 mil. Luffy's third is 300 mil, Zoro gets 320 mil (not counting 400 mil since the 100 mil increase was due to ID and MF where the crew had no involvement). There is a break in pattern here because while DR raised the bounties for all crew members, WCI did not, only Sanji and Luffy got an increase. After Wano there is a chance that Zoro might surpass Luffy's last crew involved bounty of 1.5 bil.

I hope we get bounties of RHPs members soon as their structure is more like the SHPs and we can speculate better or vice versa.
If people want to misinterpret something they will do it, stop wasting your time, let's just agree with @DoctorIndigo and @LANJI CUCKSMOKE that Oda is racist and move on.
yes, i'm saying Oda is racist /s (in case people can't understand that either)

who is the one that wants to misinterpret again?

all i'm saying is that Oda is choosing to make Hiyori continue the cycle of hatred and ending the Wano arc like that

i didn't say Oda was racist at all