So you're on an even bigger COPIUM defense?

you're saying both TCB AND VIZ got it wrong

Viz changed the sentence indeed. They changed “were” into “was” to make clear that hiyori is just referring to Orochi.
That said, the literal translation does not include the world born, and a good translation is “kurozumi wouldn’t be kurozumi if he wasn’t burned”
If people want to misinterpret something they will do it, stop wasting your time, let's just agree with @DoctorIndigo and @LANJI CUCKSMOKE that Oda is racist and move on.
my conclusion was never oda is racist
but hiyori or the teacher are quite similar to the same characters the author draws as a villain and fans in deep denial are trying to pass it off as a pun lol.
yes, i'm saying Oda is racist

who is the one that wants to misinterpret again?

all i'm saying is that Oda is choosing to make Hiyori continue the cycle of hatred and ending the Wano arc like that

i didn't say Oda was racist at all
I don't give a fuck what you say either, "Kurozumi was born to burn" refers to Orochi, that's all there's to it.