No, she is not. Naruto dodged a bullet there. I have never seen any female lead emotionally blackmail the MC as much as Sakura did to Naruto. That shit was garbage.
i'm not talking about a wife lol

i'm talking about a character

Hinata and Orihime are the most boring pieces of blank shit i've ever seen

My rank goes as follow:

Rukia >> Sakura > Orihime > Hinata

To me it's not just about appearance and being a wife, it's about being an actual character, making choices and taking actions in the story

people trash talk Sakura a lot, but you go stay on the same team as two Ninja Jesus and try to shine

if you put Sakura compared to all other newbies of her class, she did pretty fucking amazingly

helped defeat an Akatsuki member, helped defeat Kaguya

saved so many motherfuckers from death, like Naruto and Kankurou

surpasses Tsunade

and her fight against Sasori alongside Chiyo is one of the best scenes / fights most of these female characters got



I will never forgive Oda
He is obviously faster. Still don't think Sakura is unable to contest with him. She can allow herself to take shots while Ay can't tbh. Tsuna's physical strength was far above Ay's per Madara and Sakura even surpassed that.
Ay’s full speed has only been surpassed by Madara, Sasuke, Minato via teleportation and KCM’s full speed. He was outmaneuvering Amaterasu of all things with raw speed.

Nothing Sakuras done suggests she can react to that