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I will never forgive Oda
He legit compared the admirals not showing Awakening back when the concept didn't even exist and most people assumed it was a zoan thing only, to the Beast Pirates and Marco and Big Mom not having it
He’ll do anything in his power to get a job under Oda, so I’m not surprised. Marineford really shows how bad Wano is, when we’re hooked on an arc featuring just Luffy and an ensamble cast. We don’t even need the favorites to enjoy it
I followed the conversation, and I don't disagree with people finding Sakura more interesting due to her character offering more variation. That's how people in general work, but your posts clearly carried that negative aura with them towards the stay-at-home moms for the most part, so I felt like pointing it out. It was probably unintentional because you're in the middle of a semi-heated debate. It's no biggie.
If i was talking about Blackbeard or Joker doing evil stuff in their own universes, and how i find them more entertaining than the boring heroes who go saving everyone and are always good

does that mean i like criminals in real life and am against people that save lives like Firefighters and shit?

no, it's just a matter of what entertains me in a story

i was completely focused inside the story, Roo was the one that decided to bring real life into that out of nowhere
Oda always gives Zoro the upper hand

Sanji will be punished by calling Robin's help against Black Maria, but Zoro wont be punished by using the Senzu Bean to fight

Sanji lives in hard mode :lawsigh::lawsigh::lawsigh:
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