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Gol D. Roger

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Gol, please read what i said, god dammit

i used that tone because i'm talking about characters in a piece of entertainment, not real life

watching someone develop their career and grow in a story is much more interesting than watching a housewife care for their home and children, especially in a fucking Battle Manga

that's all i said

i'm talking about a manga here, not real life

real life people should choose whatever lifestyle they think it's best for their own goals, men or women

myself i want a boring life, i don't want huge amounts of money and a shit ton of headaches

if women want to be rich and get a career, good for them

if they want to marry someone and devote their lives to their partnes and kids, good for them

I'M TALKING ABOUT SHOUNEN MANGA AND BATTLES MATE, that's what i mean i think Sakura is a much more interesting character to watch than Hinata or Orihime

holy shit, i'm done talking about this
I followed the conversation, and I don't disagree with people finding Sakura more interesting due to her character offering more variation. That's how people in general work, but your posts clearly carried that negative aura with them towards the stay-at-home moms for the most part, so I felt like pointing it out. It was probably unintentional because you're in the middle of a semi-heated debate. It's no biggie.


Welcome to the House of Hope
What arc is he talking about? Wano or Marineford? lol
He's trying to use what people criticize about wano and bait people by applying them to Marineford, which is considered by many one of the best arcs, if not the best.
He's trying to "prove" people are being hypocritical about Wano.
Thats his "big brain play".
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