He’s not that bad, man…he’s just an emotionally stunted child stuck in an aging Japanese man’s body, surrounded by sycophants who are paid not to tell him he’s spiraling into senility, boosted by a fortune made on the back of a strong story that hasn’t made any sense since 2010, and fully incapable of connecting with his own family (much less a battalion of faceless readers) so he reacts by “trolling” the people who empowered him to do any of this shit in the first place, that’s all.
:pepemy: Sounds like he needs serious serious help

Gorosei Informer

Oda isnt Zoro fan
I'm starting to think it was his editors who made Zoro look so good as a character before. Either that or has REALLY changed.

But he can still do fantastic writing like with Senor Pink, Laws and Doffys backstories, Big Moms backstory etc so idk anymore.

Oda is spiting/trolling us, I am absolutely adamant of it now. Or he really doesn't give a fuck anymore.

This feels like one of the darkest timeliness OP could have honestly.