Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Lead them to paradise.
You know Mihawk could attack an Admiral or invade WCI and kill Katakuri and Smoothie and get at least 400M. It's that easy. :watchout:
At a certain point your bounty doesnt raise on people know you can easily deal with characters like those. Else Kaido would be way higher since he goes around fucking people like Kidd and 1.5 b bounty Luffy up.
It makes no sense for Killer to reach 1 bil anyways. If Zoro got no credit for participating on rooftop, then Killer also shouldn't. He beat focking Hawkin, the man's worth like what, 320 mil?
But eh nothing makes sense from One Piece lately
I'm not even a Killer hater btw
Someone pointed out it’s likely because Jinbe knows what Nika is from Whos who.
Completely unlikely, the world government shouldn't know about this detail.

As I explained, Brook and Usopp even though they didn't defeat anyone received the same 300M raise as Franky and Nami, because WG assumed they all had similar performances in defeating the Tobiropos. So they don't know who defeated whom. The GM just assumed that this whole group defeated the tobiroppos and they all owe the 300M raise.

For me it makes more sense if all the ex-shichibukais had their reward inflated because of recent events, or if some sailor switched Sanji and JInbe's reward, Oda can solve this issue
when we will get zoro’s new name? I mean seriously pirate hunter sound so chill comparing it to dark king rayleigh and king the wildfire. Besides man literally a pirate not the hunter anymore

I thought we’d get king of hell zoro after wano T.T
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