Hello everyone,
I'm glad to summon y'all today, not for the first, not for the second, but the third anniversary year of the forum.
Some of you probably already noticed, but as a present, I decided to do a bit of surprise by arbitrarily attributing some tags to members, with the order looking as followed
- G5 Luffy tag
All newcomers or users with the lowest amount of posts / trophy points in the forum have this tag
However after this point, i decided to seperate to go with the flow of Wano's ending, with new groups emerging to seperate the tags in 3 categories
- Cross Guild(Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk)
- New Yonko(Luffy, Shanks, Teach)
- Admirals(Aramaki, Fujitora, Kizaru, Akainu)
The tag seperation is random, or rather depending on your joining date
With the growth in tags to your imagination lol
Wishing you a great time in the year(s) to come. We'd not have come this far, without you. :cheers:
-- The Worstgen Staff
I'm glad to summon y'all today, not for the first, not for the second, but the third anniversary year of the forum.

Some of you probably already noticed, but as a present, I decided to do a bit of surprise by arbitrarily attributing some tags to members, with the order looking as followed
- G5 Luffy tag
All newcomers or users with the lowest amount of posts / trophy points in the forum have this tag
However after this point, i decided to seperate to go with the flow of Wano's ending, with new groups emerging to seperate the tags in 3 categories
- Cross Guild(Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk)
- New Yonko(Luffy, Shanks, Teach)
- Admirals(Aramaki, Fujitora, Kizaru, Akainu)
The tag seperation is random, or rather depending on your joining date
With the growth in tags to your imagination lol
Wishing you a great time in the year(s) to come. We'd not have come this far, without you. :cheers:
-- The Worstgen Staff