These are my pokemon and their abilities.
Bidove - Super Luck (Passive, Can't die to super kills)
Cacnea - Cotton Spore (Target a player and put them to sleep, delaying their abilities for a phase(3 shot))
Dracovish - Fishious Rend (Activate this to stock up to the next 3 incoming attacks and delay their release upto 2 phases later(2 shot))
Frillish - Cursed body (Any player that comes in contact with you has their current vote carry over to the next day phase)
Kecleon - Color Change (Passive, You learn the name of the first ability that targets you each cycle. you also become immune to it)
Linoone- Pickup (Passive, Every 3 phases you randomly pickup a one shot ability in the game)
Bidove - Super Luck (Passive, Can't die to super kills)
Cacnea - Cotton Spore (Target a player and put them to sleep, delaying their abilities for a phase(3 shot))
Dracovish - Fishious Rend (Activate this to stock up to the next 3 incoming attacks and delay their release upto 2 phases later(2 shot))
Frillish - Cursed body (Any player that comes in contact with you has their current vote carry over to the next day phase)
Kecleon - Color Change (Passive, You learn the name of the first ability that targets you each cycle. you also become immune to it)
Linoone- Pickup (Passive, Every 3 phases you randomly pickup a one shot ability in the game)