Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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you just know shanksmutts are gonna go full cope with muh "M-Mihawk is the more skilled swordsman doesn't mean he's s-stronger!"

When they fail realize that statement unequivocally categorized Shanks as a swordsman and that Mihawk holds the title of the WORLD'S STRONGEST


@ConquistadoR @Den_Den_Mushi @nik87 @HA001 @Punpun @God Ward
World's strongest SWORDSMAN

Zoro is a stronger swordsman than Luffy and guess who is stronger?

Deleted member 10278

Bro Mihawk wank so insane that even @HA001 comeback lol.
Crocodile was mad hype, nothing to add to Mihawk, alone his bounty said enough.
All the years when I said he would get 3B+ and people said"Playa you think to much, Mihawk not get anything above 2.2B, he will not have adv CoC"...
Only left is adv CoC, which will come out later :)
It’s already confirmed that he has adv CoC too at this point. Zoro unlocking that is indirectly solid proof that Mihawk has it, not to mention the black blade and its potential ties to Adv CoC. Too much going on there to even seriously question if he has it, tho the Ndules and Erkans of the world are in for another loss.
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