Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Mr. Reloaded

Professional backstabber
For so many years, wankers have been shitting all over the Warlord faction, despite countless characters telling us that they were part of the balance of powers and able to stand up against the yonko. The Warlords were only ever held back by their own egos and inability to work together, and many of the strongest and most plot important characters have been or were previously offered a warlord position (Blackbeard, Ace, Law etc).

But alas! The term warlord was used to downplay Mihawk, calling him a World Goverment dog and a chickenshit who ran away from the marines. Oda has shown us the light - Mihawk was so powerful that the marines had no choice but to make an ally out of him, and two warlords working under Buggy is enough to propel his bounty over Luffy’s. Now Mihawk has the second highest active bounty in the series. No crew, no connections or Road Poneglyphs up until now. Just his individual strength.

I forgive the unspeakable horror that was Wano. Long live King Oda and his Godhawk wank :mihanha:
Actual peak fiction :pepehawk:
Shanks is definitely skilled using a sword and is probably the best person to compare him too when it comes to swordsmanship
There's technically vista who is also a infamous swordsman but saying hes stronger than vista isn't much hype

And i personally do think characters can have multiple skills in addition and separate to their swordsman ship
Kaku being the first person that pops in my head with having 4 sword style but also a devil fruit based fighting style and rokushiki style that he doesn't have to use his swordsmanship


Personally i think any skill used to specifically enhance your swordsmanship/sword style whether its haki, science, race abilities, or a devil fruit are part of your sword skill
But those same abilities if used separately from your swordsmanship don't actually count to making you a better swordsman even tho it'll make you stronger. Same if someone uses some form of martial arts or other weaponry or swordsmanship together

Tbf they're associating all his (accidental) accomplishments to his strength for the most part
Them believeing
  1. Him being on the roger pirates speaks for how strong he was
  2. Buggy and shanks actually rival eachother in strength
  3. Him being able to gather all those tough impel down inmates must mean he's strong enough
  4. Him being strong enough to have crocodile and mihawk under him due to his power🤡
  5. Him also getting credit for putting bounties on the marines and attacking them with "his group"
Its 100% goofy and not true at all but thats how they perceive it. Plus with his previously bounties being so (deservedly) small all those things would do alot to change his bounty.

Like for example if mihawk and crocodile joined under roger it likely wouldn't really effect his bounty because that's something that makes sense for someone with a 5 billion berry bounty
But if mihawk and crocodile joined under...idk bobbins as his subordinates/underlings that's gonna boost his bounty to high hell because that would presumably mean they were wrong able him
"Brannew: Not only was Buggy the mastermind behind the incident at Impel Down…
【Marine Headquarter】

Page 13
Brannew: …he was also a member of the Pirate King’s crew!! People say that he’s a pirate that rivals Red Haired of the “Four Emperors”.
He is also charismatic enough to have Crocodile rushed to his rescue at Emptee Bluffs Island!! And we have also confirmed the relationship between Crocodile and Mihawk through wire tapping!!
Their “Marine Hunting” movement has already attracted fundings from numerous dark organizations! Even in the current rebelling state of the world, they can still be considered an organization that pose immense threat to us!!
Brannew: “Buggy the Genius Jester”!!
Adding on to what was previously mentioned…and most importantly…is his power that made those two obey him..!!

Page 14
Brannew: 3.1 billion and 89 million berries!!
Acknowledged as a new Emperor along with “Strawhat Luffy”, the government has labeled him as a dangerous person that we need to pay attention to!!"
Can you describe a a fight of skill between two top tiers will play out ?
Something brief is ok.
BM's anti-feats don't actually make BM look weak. 90% of them are BM getting goofed, but taking no real damage. Like robin rolling her. Okay, BM isn't serious all the time, anything new?
Also, a lot of BM anti-feats happen when she was nerfed. Like Queen landing brachio bomber while BM had amnesia, or King kicking the boat while BM didn't have zeus( or seemingly even prometheus, who was never shown until onigashima).

But Mihawk getting stalled by vista, is a clear deviation from the portrayal given to Kaido and BM, where even YCs can't stall fight them. This was a special plot point that Oda himself noted.

Even after defeating a YC1, Katakuri, Luffy was still utterly incapable of even fighting Kaido or Big Mom. There are only a handful of people who can face them.

Whereas he was more than willing to fight an admiral in dressrosa. Clearly there are tiers amongst the top tier, BM and Kaido are at the top.

Yeah and Mihawks "antifeats" dont look bad either if you apply context. So I'm not getting your point. Overall in One Piece my view is that portrayal is more important regardless of feats, as Oda is very inconsistent with feats. And Mihawks portrayal is at bare minimum Yonko level.
So humans aren't living thing? Get out of here.

His title is above WB.

Humans are living things too.
iirc they use the same kanji to refer to living things as they do for creatures. so it could be a false equivocation. other things refer to it not referring to humans, i.e. nami remarking hes not human when law first tells her his title, and the fact that whitebeard was the WSP while kaido was obviously a pirate.
Yeah and Mihawks "antifeats" dont look bad either if you apply context. So I'm not getting your point. Overall in One Piece my view is that portrayal is more important regardless of feats, as Oda is very inconsistent with feats. And Mihawks portrayal is at bare minimum Yonko level.
Sure, Mihawk can be stronger than shanks.

Anything else is highly debatable imo.
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