Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Everytime it comes to this mihawk and shanks debate I swear some Of y’all be having deluxe CTE. How exactly are some of you tryna separate skill from strength in its entirety? Mf you don’t think strength comes with mihawk being the goat swordsman? The shanks fandom sometimes man. It’s like the age old debate that everything zoro does comes with skill but with luffy it’s power…YOU NEED TO BE INCREDIBLY POWERFUL TO BE THAT INSANE OF A SWORDSMAN TO BEGIN WITH😭😭😭
When has Shanks said hes not a swordsman?
Do you have panels saying Mihawk is not a cock sucker? If not, does that mean he sucks cocks?
Ah so a swordsman can beat another swordsman just by being stronger? Zoro bested Kaku's entire arsenal which included a DF power yes? Zoro bested Cabaji's entire arsenal which included a unicycle, foot knives, spikes and fire yes?
I have no idea what the point here is. Yes, stronger people beat weaker people?
So what Mihawk so different? How come he can't be the strongest swordsman just like how WB was the strongest man? Or is WB the most skilled man now? A pretty deep hole this is
Because his portrayal is garbage.

-WB literally never commented on Mihawk ever being trouble in marineford or even in general
-Marco sent fucking Vista to stop Mihawk. Do you imagine Marco sending Vista to stop Shanks?
-Marineford literally showed portryal that he's bellow admirals
-none of the marines or WG ever noted about losing Mihawk. Remember when Aokiji left and they cried about losing him? If Mihawk is that strong why aren't they crying about Mihawk? Why aren't they making him a deal?
-only hype he's got is fighting a weakest version of Shanks which jobbed to base Blackbeard with no DF
"hakiman""make shit up"

So a black blade has nothing to do with haki... even though in chapter 50 (or whatever)... it was confirmed that zoro saved kuinas sword because he put his will into it
Black Blade is most likely been about CoA.

I don't mind Mihawk having a better CoA, but CoC aspect, Shanks nailed him.

While Shanks is better at the strongest Haki=CoC, while Mihawk is better only a form of weaker Haki=CoA.
WGS = ''SKILL'' :cheers::gokulaugh::suresure:

Brannew: “Hawkeye Mihawk”!! Also a former Warlord of the Sea and his swordsmanship surpasses that of the Emperor “Red Haired”!!
As the Strongest Swordsman in the World, he’s wanted for..!! 3.5 billion and 90 million berries!!

Not power, SWORDSMANSHIP :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::suresure::suresure::suresure:
Yes Swordsmanship includes power
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