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Passive- Player gets roleblocked of they do any harmful thing to me

Early Bird-
Passive - Abilities works alway first. I ca talk at night

Destiny Bond
Passive- if you die , destroy their half number of Pokemon

Double Team- Masons with Yo Tan

Dragon Dance- Upgrading your nex ability

Iron Defense - ability to protect against kills

Passive - gained a random ability used that night

Active- learn the ability of targe player . ( 1 shot)


I think you're probably just Town lol, sorry for the way I do things, it's the only way I know, it's not personal.
Correction from Fuji
Harvest (
Eeerie Impulse.

Refill the slots of target


Roleblock the target person , and roleblocked anyone who target them )
Day 7
A calm night:

Eerie impulse was used on ???
Psychic was used on ???
Screech was used on ???
Shockwave was activated
Prankster was activated
Mist was used on ???
Protect was used on ???
Swagger was used on ???
Foul play was used on ???

Day 7 starts you have 24 hours to discuss

You can Vote End Day whenever you feel like it to end the phase

@Sallucion @Ratchet @Juliet @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Kurozumi Dr_Professor83 @Kurozumi Charlie
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