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Day 6 ends Night 6 starts


When were you under the impression this game is..
Final Vote Count

Yoru: Prof
Nami: Charlie -> Yoru
Prof: Charlie -> Yoru
Charlie: Prof -> Yoru
Sallucion: Prof-> Unvote
Ratchet: Prof -> Yoru

Yoru: 4
Prof: 1
Unvote: 1

@MonochromeYoru / Trainer MonochromeYoru has been lynched!

Trainer Monochrome:

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
GG man! For your first real game you did real well!

@Sallucion @Ratchet @Juliet @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Kurozumi Dr_Professor83 @Kurozumi Charlie

You have 23 hours to send in actions

If you guys send in your actions earlier I can start the next day phase

@Ratchet and @AverageNamiEnjoyer can discuss.​


I can be much scarier. Did you claim your actions? Also, what did you copy and paste from? I have received no such message from Fuji saying he can speed the night up. Are you the recruit, ANE? I see nothing in Naomi's role sheet that precludes her from being recruited.
Yes I did about Iron defense
Read the above Fuji post
What's the recruit


The End and the Beginning
Yes I did about Iron defense
Read the above Fuji post
What's the recruit
Give me a full list of actions you took, in the following format:

Night 1 - Used <ability name>, which does <ability effect>, on <player name>
Night 2 - Used <ability name>, which does <ability effect>, on <player name>
Night 5 - Used <ability name>, which does <ability effect>, on <player name>


Night 2 - Used dragon dance which upgrade my next ability on myself
Night 2 - Used Iron defense which protect me from kills on myself
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