Speculations How much would Luffy and Teach be worth without their crews


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I don't actually think Luffy's would change that much
I have to add that having a fleet+ crew doesn't add that much around 450 million at best

Luffy defeated Katakuri+Cracker+ "tried to assasinate BM+ escaped from her territory+ destroyed her castle+had a fleet gave him 1.5 billion so 450million more than Katakuri

Thus even without crew Luffy can't be under 2.555 billion
Honestly both should worth much more even alone
I think the government is intentionally giving them a bounty in the available margin because an out of reach bounty while making sense as a litteral sun god and someone who took freaking decades for a plan with two of the most dangerous df makes sense but it also attracts the other high powered ambitious pirates towards following them and government prefers that they fight eachother and compete rather than team up behind a strong dude and have more rocks like groups on their tails (refer to mr.go's dialogue in onigashima war that please destroy eachother dear pirates so that we could benefit from it)
If they didnt have their crew/fleet how much would it effect their bounties?

Luffy 1.5 Billion
Teach 1.3 Billion
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Crew obviously doesn't matter otherwise Kidd/Law/Luffy wouldn't have even remotely close bounties, let alone equal.
Lmao stop that bullshit
Crew territory yonko title WG propaganda is the reason why he's worth even 3 Billion
I think that it would be the same. The bounties are based on the captains not the crews.
No they are fucking not lol
A guy running around solo is not remotely the same thread as he is with army backing him up when he has Territories the years of experience when he has poneglyphs up his sleeve

Imagine the cope the mald the scheethe and everything in between after making God awful shitty claims like yonko > mihawk to find out mihawk as an individual shits on yonko and their entire crew
Teach stronger than any yonko right hand and arguably stronger than any yonko with a 1.3 bil bounty
Yeah he's like a low diff fight for Mihawk and maybe beats Zoro extreme diff.

Idk why you calling me out.
With crew
With Territory
With fucking with WG
with yonko title

WG considers his threat 2.2 billion
Just imagine if he doesn't even have all that..what threat does the Jobber represent?