Who is currently the best character in shonen ?

I will go with HxH. Didn't dig Attack of the titan for most of the time.

1 Hisoka maybe? His fight with Chrollo and now his show down with the spider after killing Shalnark and Kortopi are epic.

2 Meruem but that is way before 2 or 3 years ago.

Also can HxH still be considered a shounen with all that blood and the non retarded MCs/plot?


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Honestly black frieza isn't that bad if only it wasn't shitty recolor and came from a shit arc should've stayed with final form freiza. Best frieza

If he said final form frieza,Hit and Piccolo tho then

Sigh they're never gonna focus on hit are they.

But seriously I'd say Endeavor and Sukuna
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Well, Shouen has been on a decline for years now as they continue to recycle the same formula and characters for every manga so choosing the best shounen character among the ones we have now really isn't saying much but I will choose Kuga Yuma.
Ziggy from Edens Zero so far for my favorite villain in recent Shounen. Lots of exploring of the lore of the series and some crazy development with him
