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What is this weakness I see from people claiming to be koby fans. Man up. How little faith is being shown. Him failing to capture her is it is true isn't a problem. If she had to flee and they still took Amazon lilly it's a win because it directly means she couldn't defend it. If coby was the main reason for this it means she deems him a threat
Oda has intentionally made it impossible to power scale Koby.

Koby could easily win or lose here, it's totally up to where Oda wants to take the story.

I think Koby asked Boa to join Sword, in exchange for the protection of her people, and pretended to arrest her, only to let her escape somehow, or place her in a prison they can free her from in the future. It's hard for me to picture two of Luffy's biggest fans fighting each other until one is on the ground.
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