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Ep 2 was good

The thing I dislike most so far is shitty Elf Human relationship arc. Why do we always have to see the same storyline
Those 2 are boring as shit, all the other main characters have at least a small something to make me care a bit but those 2 have nothing, I'm more interested on the kid with the sword hult

Deleted member 83

It hurts to say that Galadriel is the weakest part of the show so far. I like the actress, she isn't bad. But every other plot line is more interesting

The stuff in Tir-Harad episode 2 was AMAZING.
The Harfoot plotline is my favorite, very warm and friendly.
Elrond's plotline is good too. More so for the writing and characters
No, don’t tempt me
You lost your double post privilege?!
Seems like it @TheAncientCenturion plz explain
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