Vinsmoke Sanji vs Jesus Burgess (with a devil fruit he will be much stronger)

- The devil vs Jesus Christ

- Black leg style vs Wrestling

- Legs vs Arms

- Mr Prince vs Mr Store

If eventually Gin is the last BB commander well he will go against Sanji (but I don't believe it too much)
I still got arteta out on my profile (from over a year ago) but I have to defend him today
this is so reactionary lmao . top of the table still .

good teams lose sometimes guys lol.
We fans generally are reactionary (I was pissed last year after the first three games and then how we blew the top 4) but I like what is going on and after more than a decade of not being at the top, we really need this type of continuity to really get there. Look at Man City, they are one of the best run organizations at the moment. Respect what Wenger achieved with those squads. Wenger's departure and Freguson's have really shoved in a new era for Arsenal and Man U.

The clearing of the locker room and bringing in the right guys was so much needed. The contracts earlier were just so bad and the personalities were an issue. I am fully on board with Arteta kicking Auba and Ozil out due to discipline and attitude issue (if that was the reason). Wish we had kept Ramsey (though his wage demands were probably the issue). I hope Odegard can get some coaching from scoring midfielders cause he just needs to learn to just take the shot.