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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Chapter 1059 OFFICIAL full summary, thanks to PG on WorstGen

Chapter 1059: The Last

- Chapter begins where last chapter left off, Dragon is on the Den Den Mushi with Sabo, pouring buckets of sweat with his iconic scowl across his face.

- Dragon: "Ey yo man you talkin for realsies here??? You better be jokin dickhead cause this ain't funny"

- Sabo: "You heard me right you washed up geezer. I killed Alabasta's king for fun and kidnapped his daughter for that sweet, sweet, ransom money. I'm sure THAT CERTAIN MYSTERIOUS CHARACTER will be very pleased"

- The revolutionaries look very uncertain and upset, dumping gallons of sweat down their backs. Dragon gives a slightly sterner scowl.

- Some bullshit info about Blackbeard and Dr. Vegapunk here, nothing interesting really.

- Cut back to the Thousand Sunny

- The Straw Hats are under attack from a fodder pirate group: The Steel Toe Boot Pirates

- Luffy is still in the cage as cannon balls in the shape of boots fly by. One of them knocks Luffy in the water.

- The crew try to save him but are held up by the barrage of boots.

- Suddenly the barrel on the Sunny's deck explodes in electricity and something falls in the water.

- In a glorious double spread, Carrot flys out of the water with Luffy in tow. Somehow in Sulong despite it being the middle of the day.

- Everyone: "Eeeeeeeeh?!"

- Luffy gasping on the ground: "Thank you Carrot, you saved me..."

- Carrot: "Glad to be of service... Captain"

- We cut to one last wanted poster that falls to the ground, the Straw Hats are in shock, with Sanji even more furious.

- Narrator: Look out, 10th Commander Carrot D. Carrot. Bounty: 1.33 Billion Beli

Akainu: "...Why the fake name? Is the WG really that scared of that bloodline?"
Kizaru: "All the Gorosei would tell me... is that we should avoid fighting the Mink known as 'Carrot In D. Barrel.' Her ancestor, Booze In D. Barrel, once fought the legendary Samurai, Ryuma, to a standstill... using just a single barrel of barely-aged Sake."
Akainu: "Damn... a Mink with Barrel Skill strong enough to clash with a legendary swordsman like Ryuma... This Carrot is a massive threat, if she has even half that power."
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