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Gorosei Informer

We had enough fodder screentime in wano:kriwhat:
Owch lol. But thats true too, so much panel time and thus so much of these 4 years wasted on useless, annoying, fodder etc characters.

Hopefully we will see a LOT less of that shit now. Oda did say he's restructuring the story to streamline it down or so?

Gorosei Informer

If BB kidnapped Coby because he got a thing for young boys.

Then, the theory yet of him sucking Whitebeard's D to get his fruit might be right after all
*PTSD flashbacks to the drawing of Blackbeard actually doing that too.*

This is one of the reasons why i hate the OP community at times lmfao. Not to mention the CockPiece edits including the Whitebeard one which has gone viral now!
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