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Retarded take, Kuzan outright said Doffy was more dangerous than Hancock.

Hancock is only overestimated by a bunch of horny simps. She’s a mid tier Warlord at best who would lose to most of them.
I don't take anything any marine says seriously anymore

It is the most pathetic and retarded organization ever

Brain dead dumb fucks thought dollar tree robots can replace Mihawk when they can't even take out Hancock.

Now they have yonko level marine hunting organization to worry about.

Imagine listing to blind gambling fat fuck for political opinions

Hancock is probably pretty close to admiral level

In two seconds she took care of two commanders

That's much better than Green Bull picking up Zoros scraps and fighting immobile king
Croc is part of YONKO crew.

If crews mattered so much then Luffy should have had much much higher bounty than Law and Kidd since he has ex-Shichi in his crew and a whole Grand Fleet, not even taking into account Nika fruit.

Captains are ranked on their own merit not their crew’s.
A major reason for Luffys 1.5 billion bounty was the fact that he had a fleet…
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