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You can't win
Oda keeps connecting Rayleigh to Hancock.

That reinforces my old theory that Rayleigh, Shakky and Hancock are related

Rayleigh said before that a baby reminded him of old days

That suggest that Rayleigh had a baby, and we know he is in a relationship with Shakky

And Shakky is 64 after the timeskip and mentioned to have left piracy 42 years ago(with the timeskip), with Hancock being 31

And considering she was chased by Garp, it suggest she was at least resonably strong and seeing how her vivre card suggest she(and Rayleigh) helped the Boa Sisters to return to Amazon lily thanks to Gloriosa(former empress of Amazon lily 3 decades ago), it implies she may have some kind of link to Amazon lily, potentially one of the 2 previous empress before Boa Hancock, who was mentioned to have gone rogued after falling in love of someone(presumably Rayleigh)

Except that since she fell in love with someone(Rayleigh) she may have been forced to leave Amazon lily.

Speaking of Rayleigh though, since he is shown in the chapter, I wonder if we see his bounty? Although the fact it's not mentioned in the spoiler kinda implies it's not the case

Looking at Hancock's bounty though, I guess Oda is continuing the trend of the Shichibukais potentially getting more threat lvl infamy, maybe due to their past connections with the world government, and in Hancock's case, also benefiting of having a country of haki users under her lead

And of course, Oda was never gonna have Luffy having a higher bounty than BB at this stage. I wonder what he did for his threat lvl bounty to be increased thol. Also having questions on the direction Oda is aiming at with Coby captured
Boa vs BB pirates is BB pirates vs Magellan 2.0, Oda blatantly nerfing to exaggerate the other.
But I get it, no one is ready to accept it.
Big wings babies is what the marines thought better than thevwarlords?
From their perspective definitely. Now that we know what the Warlords are actually capable of they've been sandbagging at the very best and outright sabotaging them at points. The only actual purpose it served was to prevent whoever was called a Warlord at the time from being an enemy.
Idk man, Vegapunk may have outdone Queen with this chapter in that regard, they are better version of Queen enhanced by lunarian dna
As of now they are just bigger Lunarians, until they show they are able to do more. Slaving Lunarian kids is easy, what Queen did to himself is beyond that :kayneshrug:
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