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They are probably SSG, because it was all about SSG, so them pulling out a new weapon resembling Lunarians which doesn't happen to be SSG would be weird.
not really

just because you come up with a big military invention doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a new improved model of another weapon in the same time

really hope that’s the case here because if that’s the ssg it’s not that hype
Zoro’s best feat of defeating King is something Ryokugyu did as a drinking game, even Hancock is far stronger than Zoro’s EOS goal at this point. Mihawk is a mid tier Warlord who would lose to Cracker
He defeated Zoro's leftovers in cuffs :milaugh:
Mihawk has the biggest bounty by far compared to the Warlords
You : Mihawk is a mid tier warlord
Coby will probably get in contact with Aokiji and they will try to destroy the bb pirates from the inside.
Somehow Luffy will be involved and then we will have God Valley 2.0
Damn Mihawk wank has you sniffing crayon powder

Mihawk has never defeated an opponent worth 100 million and begged Vista for mercy while Hancock is out here petrifying multiple top YC

I’m done pretending like sword trash have any legitimate chance at being top tiers. Zoro’s best feat of defeating King is something Ryokugyu did as a drinking game, even Hancock is far stronger than Zoro’s EOS goal at this point. Mihawk is a mid tier Warlord who would lose to Cracker
Lmao talk about smoking crack
Now lets see Major how events have developed

Marco the YC1 was shown strong enough to use admirals as a soccer ball kick them around all over Marine Ford and them failing to put him down even with cheap shot

Now we have Zoro Mihawks student being strong enough to low diff someone stronger than Marco

Then you have Green Brocolli literally being used as a janitor and gardener picking up commander scraps

Then you have Shanks low diffing Green Bull from 10 miles away

Then you have Mihawk getting confirmed marine hunter and stronger than Shanks and bounty above 3 emperors

Then you have Hancock the bitch with less than half of Mihawks bounty pulling better feat than Green brocolli

Mihawk was hunting on Admirals and all pathetic cock suckers can do is pay to stop the hunt
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