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Hustlerversity Graduate
I think? no. I know? yes cause that's what's shown in the manga.

Doflamingo's CQC abilities >>>> alabasta luffy's.

In a fight Croc is low-diff material for doffy. What makes him dangerous is the DF's other insane abilities outside of a fight.
As long you have Doffy above Crocs then we're cool.
So when Luffy finally finds all four locations of the red poneglyphs and robin deciphers it, then they all are going to have a clean sail to the One Piece? No drama? Just them sailing by themselves to Laughtale? BB, Kid, SHanks none of these groups even care about the One Piece. One group is too busy taking Ls trying to find devil fruit powers for some reason, the other group are fodder, and the last group just appears when a movie needs advertisement.
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