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Just wait the Threads of Why Kizaru is stronger than BB are in the making right now ,as we speak :goyea:
and Rayleigh vs BB Pirates is their Fuel :pepebusi:
people are having misconception . man this is so f**king weird. Bcz rayleigh came otherside of group, BB knew that both sides will not end well bcz hancock already made two of his commanders negg diff, so BB only has 8 commanders which they might get attacked from marine fleet. and they will also get attacked from the entire countries haki users. All these added up making BB stop since he can't get to win easily. he might as well stop at this .
What kind of curve ball is that? Arguably she got the biggest feat here. Fended off Marines + BB.
She didn't "fend off" Blackbeard. Hell, she doesn't even have to fight them to turn them to stone. Teach was about to kill her before Rayleigh saves her. She's cool and all, but its not some amazing thing for her lol

Beat Koby though, so there's that.
Marines when facing Buggy and his army of level 6 prisioners, Mihawk and Croc:
> Let's send fodders. Warlords have a kill quota and will stop after killing their fill.
Marines versus Boa:
>Let's use our newest weapon that is comparable to a Yonko to have a chance.
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