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Again your point does not apply to bb. Killing boa means he gets her fruit which means you are making a yonko crew more formidable
My point perfectly applies, because Marines are soldiers. Mindless marionettes that do as commanded. Unless Akainu personally commanded them to protect Boa Hancock from Blackbeard to not have him steal her fruit, you got no point here. They wouldn't just on their own decide to protect the Kuja. We obviously can wait for the scans, but I'm sure your notion gets debunked. Note how the BB pirates attacking both Kuja and Marines doesn't equate Kuja and Marines join forces.


Welcome to the House of Hope
World Government FEARED her power at age of 18 for horny ability? come on now dude.

And she can turn anything she touches into stone, horny or not. You can't do shit to her unless you use CoA to cover yourself.
Like basically almost every single logia ever.
Idk what Oda is really doing here.

How TF are we supposed to feel any form of threat or danger or hype from the marines/govt, who are supposedly the final boss (maybe three way along with BB) of the series, when we have:
- all Shichibukai so far escaping with no consequences
- Sabo and a bunch of clowns out-maneuvering the admirals, CP0, Kong etc
- Gorosei's sudden retardation and abysmal incompetence.
- admiral portrayal in film red
- an admiral shitting his pants at Shanks' conqueror's haki
- more admiral Ls in the film red (maybe not fully canon, but contributes)

Adding to this, Coby (the only dude apart from admirals still having any form of hype/buildup) getting an L in current chapter too? He really is just going the Smoker way, huh?

Potentially even the SSG getting dunked on? The thing hyped to be more than sufficient of a replacement to Shichibukai

Marines and govt are an absolute joke!!

When was the last time marines/govt had a W? Need to go back to Marineford, it has all been Ls since then. They are the embodiment of disappointment in this series
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