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I don't wanna make any big statements yet but...

• Katakuri w/ Oven uses awakening on the 4 Vinsmoke Siblings and can't beat them in a timely fashion
• Boa Hancock uses her devil fruit and defeats 2 confirmed captains in Teach's crew, neither of which should be below the Vinsmoke Siblings.
• Boa Hancock's bounty is 300mil less than Crocodile's implying he can replicate this feat / do it just as easily
• Doflamingo is relative to Crocodile...

Not to disparage Katakuri, not the point of my post, but the strong Shichibukai might be a tier above Right Hands & Katakuri.
Boa's DF is just busted. It's like saying Sugar is Top Tier level, because she can turn everybody into a toy.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Blackbeard's crew keeps getting disappointing

> Burgess being used as a hypetool for Sabo
> Devon and Vasco being hypetool for Hancock

Even most of Shiryu's hype comes from preskip. Not sure what Oda is doing with his crew
at the the final battle will be mugis vs buggy crew:suresure:
Devon vs Sanji. Gave her the fruit to shape shift for a reason. It's gonna be a repeat of Alabasta.

Shiryuu with his hax vs Zoro - Once Zoro finds a way to deal with the inivisibility it's gg. mirroring Mr1- Zoro
Devon with her shapeshifting - Sanji = Mr.2 vs Sanji

And we know Sanji didn't have any issue blocking Big Mom's attacks, so he won't have any issues with Devon.
And how is he gonna beat her? By blocking her attacks to death? lol
Sooo... any reason for Bb's increase or yolo? Last time I checked he started MF war, broke to ID, recruited some of the most dangerous criminals took WB's power, crushed the remaining WBP with his crew, took over his territories, and gained a bounty over 2 billion then..
Now he gains almost as much for.. nothing?
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