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I don't wanna make any big statements yet but...

• Katakuri w/ Oven uses awakening on the 4 Vinsmoke Siblings and can't beat them in a timely fashion
• Boa Hancock uses her devil fruit and defeats 2 confirmed captains in Teach's crew, neither of which should be below the Vinsmoke Siblings.
• Boa Hancock's bounty is 300mil less than Crocodile's implying he can replicate this feat / do it just as easily
• Doflamingo is relative to Crocodile...

Not to disparage Katakuri, not the point of my post, but the strong Shichibukai might be a tier above Right Hands & Katakuri.
lets start it

The Katakuri wank must die, dude can barely take care of the vinsmokes and @Gol D. Roger is saying he can beat an entire country of adCoA users plus Hancock lmao
What did BB get this Bounty for? The last time we saw him, he stil had his 2.2bil. Bounty and he said they have to get something before the Marines - and now we know that something was Boa's DF. So what did he get +1.8bil. increase? For just shipping to Kuja Island? lol
Blackbeard's crew keeps getting disappointing

> Burgess being used as a hypetool for Sabo
> Devon and Vasco being hypetool for Hancock

Even most of Shiryu's hype comes from preskip. Not sure what Oda is doing with his crew
SKB - Shanks killing Blackbeard incoming. Blackbeard was actually the one trying to save the world like Obito. While Shanks is being Madara.


I will never forgive Oda
Nah BBPs arent gonna be a tier above the BPs. They will just be trickier opponents...and not straight up brutes like the BPs.

They will also be defeated easier than the BPs were defeated since the SHs are stronger now. Ao either Robin mid diffs Devon or Nami high diffs her. Either way she aint anywhere close to Commander.
It's basic shonen lol. You face harder opponents down the road.
Vasco vs Sanji soon
Devon vs Sanji. Gave her the fruit to shape shift for a reason. It's gonna be a repeat of Alabasta.

Shiryuu with his hax vs Zoro - Once Zoro finds a way to deal with the inivisibility it's gg. mirroring Mr1- Zoro
Devon with her shapeshifting - Sanji = Mr.2 vs Sanji

And we know Sanji didn't have any issue blocking Big Mom's attacks, so he won't have any issues with Devon.


I will never forgive Oda
Do BB and Ray clash?
No idea, I think so.
lets start it

The Katakuri wank must die, dude can barely take care of the vinsmokes and @Gol D. Roger is saying he can beat an entire country of adCoA users plus Hancock lmao
TBF if you gave Katakuri another fifteen minutes he'd win. Kata fans just think he can no diff anyone without using any effort. Utterly unrealistic.
Ray packed off Teach and his crew despite his need to boa's DF while the time is chaotic , and in the end he took a MF who has no relation to him Now what if this Dude was there :

3.59 billion is just for him being the world strongest swordman
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