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Warlords and Ex Warlords are on a huge W streak. Oda really living up to his words when he said Warlords were the original end game enemies in the og story
No,he said the Yonko were the original end game stuff.The warlords came in as filler and made pre-ts long.Post-ts is the real original plot.
With each and every passing day its really hard to justify Yonko ~ Admiral

Sanji is #4 of pirate king
I doubt he'll be Yonko level

Rayleigh is an exception
He can fight an entire yonko crew being old and rusty
Mihawk is 3.6 billion marine hunter Strongest Swordsman in the world

So if sanji ever fights an admiral that completely kills the notion of

Gaban is a nobody
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Red Admiral
You are so afraid of Sanji

So what happens when both Zoro and Sanji will fight admirals and both have the same difficulty fighting them or Sanji beats an admiral faster?
Sanji is #4 of pirate king
I doubt he'll be Yonko level
Creditless you actually think Bum Jinbei is above Sanji. Your Sanji hate is so pathetic dude.

But everything about the Dark King is on point. Dark King > Lonko. But your Sanji insecurity again causing you to hate on Gaban, who's gap to Rayleigh will be Rayleigh's gap to Roger.
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