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Idk what Oda is really doing here.

How TF are we supposed to feel any form of threat or danger or hype from the marines/govt, who are supposedly the final boss (maybe three way along with BB) of the series, when we have:
- all Shichibukai so far escaping with no consequences
- Sabo and a bunch of clowns out-maneuvering the admirals, CP0, Kong etc
- Gorosei's sudden retardation and abysmal incompetence.
- admiral portrayal in film red
- an admiral shitting his pants at Shanks' conqueror's haki
- more admiral Ls in the film red (maybe not fully canon, but contributes)

Adding to this, Coby (the only dude apart from admirals still having any form of hype/buildup) getting an L in current chapter too? He really is just going the Smoker way, huh?

Potentially even the SSG getting dunked on? The thing hyped to be more than sufficient of a replacement to Shichibukai

Marines and govt are an absolute joke!!

When was the last time marines/govt had a W? Need to go back to Marineford, it has all been Ls since then. They are the embodiment of disappointment in this series
In Marineford it was 1 Yonko crew + allies vs every admiral + the fleet admiral + Garp + most vice admirals + other elite soldiers + the Pacifista

There's a difference between fighting a war with all of your cards and trying to divide and conquer. It won't be as easy for the Marines to show off
Thats just a single one of her abilities. She can turn people to stone with physical attacks and Mero mero pistol bullets with huge AOE. Not to mention Adv HAKI in coa and coo with a possibility of Adv coc. She clears every yc1 except maybe Beckman and shiryu

He probably gets another fruit. idk. What is oda doing to BB lol
If she has advanced coc she does have the potential to be top tier. But we still don't know if she does
If Hancock with her nation, Seraphim, and old Ray are enough to make BBP soon for a believeable win.
firstly he is only backing off mainly bcz boa's ability to turn them into stones and rayleigh. Adding to this the marines have new weapons and a nation of haki users. Even if you replace any yonko crew here. It will all be naught bcz all yonko crews get affected by boa's df ability and turn them into stone and also adding her strong haki ability to that is also a not good thing. with rayleigh adding to this. No matter if it's shanks or any other yonko they can't simply make rayleigh low diff so in the time rayleigh fought with other top tier. Boa can easily turn half of them into stones. Marines with weapons adding on this layer. No yonko crew is willing to take risk for small benefits. Otherwise half of yonko crew will get decimated by this type of attackretreat then it's time to forget the idea that they are facing the RHP yet. It's still too .
Smh people keep saying the amazons are fodder.
They might be fodder in the sense thatthey are nameless characters but they can all use ryuo they are clearly stronger than the regulsr fodder.
Hell a requirement to be a fucking vice admiral is to be able to use haki not even the advanced form of it just haki.
The 2nd and 3rd strongest characters there got solo'd by pre timeskip Luffy.
There are multiple executives in Donquixote family capable of soloing pre TS Luffy.

So yeah, they're not strong. Maybe better than fodder grunts, still fodder

Haki, advanced haki etc aren't helping you, if your base stats are fodder.
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