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It’s probably not yami since Burgess was about to snatch the gomu
With df awakening into picture, maybe he imbues those weapons with his Yami allowing his crew members to butcher their targets so they steal the ability from x user, preventing the df essence from finding another host.

But I doubt the legitimacy of these leaks that Hancock lost her power until they are actually confirmed.
Didn’t Sengoku keep Aces heritage a secret as a favor to Garp?
I think so. Oda can explain why a bounty is low in-universe pretty easily, but I still hold the firm belief that if he were writing Marineford today, he'd at least give him a billion bounty. Other Shichibukai would've probably gotten higher bounties pre-freezing too, I bet. I don't even think it's a bad thing, necessarily.
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