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Why are people saying the Serephim are the SSG? Nothing seems to imply anything other than new Pacifista Models.

SSG means Special Science Group, implying they are scientists like Judge or Queen. So I doubt these are the SSG, just their weapons.
How do Coby fans think that being kidnapped in the crossfire between SSG, BBP and Amazonian Lily is him not taking an L? They try to deflect this onto Boa but literally she had SSG AND a wholeass Yonko crew invading her island. The fact that it took the forces worth more than a Yonko crew to kill her speaks volumes to her individual strength and hax. Boa is definitely low top tier at the very least.
Nope. Because we have Buggy 3,1bi and Crocodile 1,95bi. Neither are that strong. Although Doflamingo is probably the weaker. But we also need Moriah's bounty(the weakest).
I'm a bit of disappoint about Hancock's bounty. She is Yonko material needed at least 2bi bounty or even 3bi. Can't have Mid and Low above her.
Buggy’s bounty is a gag. Croc’s bounty is serious, he’s just that strong now.

Prime Moria is >> Doffy, but current Moria is weaker
You don’t think that Mihawk being a marine killer inflated his bounty at all????
I don't think so because it doesn't mention it
But maybe it did it is still his individual accomplishment. He is so strong that Marines were by the balls and decided to pay him instead.

Blackbeard on the other hand hauls ass against Akainu while he has his entire crew with him.

Mihawk is above Yonko that's all I am saying. At least one tier above. Shanks might be closer to Mihawk tho
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