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@EtenBoby Are these full spoilers accurate?
-Boa vs. Navy
-Blackbeard arrives and locks up Coby
-SSG on Amazon Lily and now they face Teach but he defeats them easily
-Hancock turns some of Teach's crew into stones
-Blackbeard is about to kill Hancock and then Rayleigh arrives
-Hancock brings back the members of Teach as they were some bargaining chip
-Hancock can't use her own fruit. Blackbeard has it now
-We see Yamato appear in a flashback this chapter
-We'll see two new bounties in the chapter
- Shanks takes Marco to the Sphinx
-We see the Straw Hats again where we left them in 1058
There is a chapter next week
People with double standards
Crocodile got bounty increase to 1.9b for actively attacking marines.
People: Wow, Crocodile is so strong
Hancock didn't even actively went against marines and on top of that she was able to defend herself for most time against Yonko crew.
People: pathetic. 🤣

Actually, people are pathetic, especially Coby and people who thought Coby would capture her are even more pathetic.
Marines and WG are pathetic. Hancock is Yonko Material. Unlike Doffy that is afraid of losing Shichibukai title or SMILE because he will be either hunted by Admirals or Kaido, Hancock didn't gave a fuck about her title and Marineford or BlackBeard and she only did what she wanted. Back then what she wanted is help her passion Luffy.
I love Fuji, but if the Seraphim are the creation that got him hyped up then thats fucked up, they might be artificial but its still an army of children my dude :josad: and they are all dark skinned too :luchosop:
Imo, if a Vegapunk arc is in fact next and it tackles Kuma, Bonney, Smoker, Sabo, Revo's etc. Then it could be Kizaru.

Kizaru is close to Sentoumaru, who is Vegapunk's bodyguard. Pacifista (at least protypes) use Kizaru's laser powers.

I think all of this is inherently connected, especially since Luffy did not master FS yet, so fighting someone at light speed would be an interesting curveball.

Again, that's if Vegapunk is next and we are dealing with the SSG and these "Serephim". It largely depends on if these are truly Final War centric things or not.
Nope, Luffy mastered FS, read chapter 1037 for referrence.

Now his hako has surpassed Kaido's, he justs need to master it and his Gear 5 to be imu level.
The point of all these arguments are, Until we actually see the so called science group in action, their creations, the sepharim are more interesting. And its easier to type ssg than sepharim and its been used for refering to the weapons for so long. So yall are just arguing over semantics
It's not that it was easier ,we just had no names for the weapons that were replacing the warlords .
It not like people say SSG for pacifista ( SSG most likely made them also with vegapunk )
Yes i understand people using SSG for the weapon name but like i said after this chapter out that will most like change .
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