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Chapter 1059 Captain Koby’s Case

Coby chapter......

-New Pacifista model is call Seraphim, they are (big)children with white hair, brown skin and black wings

So basically, baby Lunarians?

-Blackbeard attacked Amazon Lily amidst the Marine Invasion, he wants Hancock’s power. His new bounty is 3.996 billion

Teach is back and his bounty is almost 4 bil?:zehaha:

And he choose Hancock of all people. Which means that Teach acknowledge Hancock as one of the strongest.:araboss:

-Hancock turned most of the invaders(including Devon and Vasco) into stone. Her new bounty is 1.659 billion

My babe Hancock not only fighting both BBP and the Marines, she negged two Titanic Captains with ease. And wasn't Devon supposed to be immune to Hancock's beauty and kill her?

Me and Hancock bros and gals are eating good right now.

-Rayleigh halted the conflict

Ray pulled a Shanks up in here.

-Koby is abducted by Blackbeard pirates

Kinda see that coming yet at the same time not. The chapter should be renamed to "Pirate Empress Boa Hancock" instead.
How many Doffy’s does it take to beat Hancock?
He's not because he has the title of yc1
Queen factually has more relevance within the One Piece world, since he is tied with the biggest cientists, including Vegapunk and Judge, who also rules Germa, and he was a commander to Kaido's crew.

He was on MADS too, he also said he created something Vegapunk couldn't, which is his Cyborg enhancements.

Katakuri lives on his Mama's territory and thats it, so unless he ends up being considered an Younko or something (since BM is most likely dead), then he isn't more relevant than Queen.
How do yall think this chapter makes it look in terms of Rayleigh portrayal to Blackbeard and Yonkos. Do you think there will be an implication that Blackbeard could possibly lose to him or that Rayleigh is on his level, or do y’all think it’ll mostly just be business dealings
Blackbeard fled from CP0 and even Kizaru had Rayleigh on the ropes at Sabaody. This might not mean much. BB has always been the type to avoid pointless battles.
How do yall think this chapter makes it look in terms of Rayleigh portrayal to Blackbeard and Yonkos. Do you think there will be an implication that Blackbeard could possibly lose to him or that Rayleigh is on his level, or do y’all think it’ll mostly just be business dealings
HA001 says there no agenda here which makes sense
Imo you have to be braindamaged to think Ray stands a chance
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