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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
He's the future admiral and the guy who Luffy said will beat the future pirate king and capture him

Anyway, what do you think of Blackbeard needing Coby's help over anyone in his crew like Shiryu or lvl 6 prisoners?
We need more details, someone like Teach needing the help of someone like Koby makes zero sense to me, lol
"The destruction of Shuangyu disrupted the relatively orderly system of illegal trade previously centered around the port, and the smugglers scattered across the Chinese coast, with some becoming pirates in the process. For his part, Wang Zhi re-established himself at Ligang and continued expanding his consortium. He adopted Mao Haifeng, a Zhejiang trader skilled in the use of Portuguese cannons, as his son and utilized the latter's knowledge to fit his ships with cannons. In 1551, he led a coalition of merchant-pirates to destroy his rival Chen Sipan with the connivance of the Ningbo military officials. With Chen Sipan defeated, Wang Zhi's supremacy in the China seas was assured. Many pirates fell in behind Wang Zhi, and it was said that no ship dared to sail without his banner."

-The destruction of Shuangyu looks like Great Age of Pirates but he is a member of Rocks Pirates, so maybe he started piracy again after the Great Age of Pirates began and created his own consortium?
Who cares about him bro, Oda doesn't give a fuck, he was a background "top tier" for Blackbeard pirates to beat him, he probably had a large crew, I assume the 100 hearts Law took to the marines from thr rocky port incident probably belonged to his crew.
I haven't watched naruto in ages but wasn't there a debate where Sakura punching and injuring Kaguya puts Sakura above most of Naruto forms including full hyubi mode?

Also, why do you need powerlevels to like a character?
I dont. Im just pointing out theres literally nothing likable or redeemable about the character. The nicest thing I can say is shes not quite as worthless as Kakashi.
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