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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
So he has strongest CoA in Marines?
Probably at the moment, until we get another Marine showing a comparable feat. Maybe Garp will have him beat, too soon to say.

Garp was fighting Roger and Roger didn't make one and Garp's CoA portrayal is no better than Roger's.
I thought Roger was known for CoC, not CoA? Lol

Green Bull is really that guy? The guy who was impressed by Yamato's Haki?
“Impressed” is a brave word lol, more like surprised that he found a Haki user like Yamato in bum-ass Wano. Lol

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Dude, I like the Admirals,
No amount of "fanboying" can let me think Oda would shit on this black blade plot more than he already had, by making some "sidequest" achievement for Aramaki.
How is it shitting on the black blade exactly? There are still only 3 in OP history. And besides, how do you know Aramaki isn’t busting out Shanks level swordsmanship? Lol

Gorosei Informer

Theory 1: He's dead. RIP.
Theory 2: He's off on some important mission
Theory 3: Scopper is the one guarding Laugh Tale, and returned to the island after Roger died.
I forgot to mention this when responding to Shishios post too but I'm thinking Scopper might be that man marked by flames/with the burn mark or whatever. That would be kinda hype especially if Kidd is gonna meet him and get "his own Rayleigh" too? Literally the next best thing after Rayleigh?

My other crack theory was that its Saul, Aokiji didnt kill him as it was said Aokiji freezing people doesnt kill them when he froze Robin and she didnt die ofc, almost like its a deliberate parallel to when he froze Saul too and was trying to kill her too back then lol.

Aokiji did use Ice Time Capsule which is a weird choice of name for a move to try to kill someone with especially, unless he was trying to preserve that person for later and pretend he killed him?
Aokijis ice might be so strong that it can withstand the cannon fire, explosions, wildfire and whatever else was happening on the island and it can float on the sea like an iceberg too. Saul kinda looks like a caveman too, so its even more fitting, that frozen caveman being discovered preserved in ice by modern day people lol.

Time Capsules are meant to be opened MUCH later after they are buried too. Kinda convenient that Akainu didnt actually go onto the island and start going on a one man volcanic rampage and making Ohara his personal Pompeii directly too? His magma would have definitely melted Aokijis ice that froze Saul surely and thus killed him for certain ofc, thus sabotaging Aokijis potential plans for him.

If Saul is alive and thus survived Ohara, then he could be burned by the flames on Ohara if they melted the ice and thus thawed him out before he escaped or he got frostburn from the ice instead?

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