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I sucks at writing and by this point you should’ve figure out that I never do full summary(nor do I want to)
You should take over. You're the most reliable anyways. Have sense of humour and are not downright insane with a god complex like a certain someone. Jmena and co are just clowns.
You telling me he saw that Ass whooping Vista gave him years in advance? :crazwhat::crazwhat:
Notice how Garp is a little bitch who got put in the hospital for years from a simple Hakiless punch from pre time skip Luffy??

One Zoro pre time skip Ashura attack will cut him into two pieces

Take that Chinjao level trash outta here who was too scared of Mihawk to even save admirals from him.

Hero of Marines my ass when Man is hunting marines in the open and all WG can do is pay him to stop.


Lazy is the way
Same feats, Sengoku is more important as the leader of the Navy for two decades, and WB respected Sengoku more during the war while belittling Garp.

even you don’t believe that

Koby is not the new Garp though, they are not alike and even their portrayal is different. Firstly Garp was never Roger's fanboy, Koby is literally Luffy's fanboy. And Garp fought Roger multiple times before he eventually became Pirate King, clearly this isn't going to be the case with Koby and Luffy.

Smoker/Koby fans want theirs to be the new Garp, but there isn't one.
Nobody said their story are carbone copy

Luffy is the new roger but has a different story and will do more in the end

Zoro will surpass mihawk yet Mihawk trained him, Zoro is part of a pirate crew etc etc

Same for Kobs and Garp : Kobs and Luffy have a rivalry and Kobs swore to catch him/fight him, Kobs was trained by Garp, Kobs is the most promising one/soon to be the strongest marine of his gen, Kobs is the one we are following since day one / training / improving etc just like the MC, Kobs stopped the MF war, Kobs even has something with BB now paralleling Roger/Garp and Xebec.

Just tell me who will be stronger than Koby in the Marine in his gen ? No one


I will never forgive Oda
There is not feminisem in HOD , there is gender inequality which im more then fine with , it feels way better to earn the trust of people so you can be the rightful heir no matter the gender then be an op female right from the start that got no problems and angry at everyone all the time, didnt say people said she incompetent i said when shes on screen she makes man look incompetent, she literally asks to speak with the manager in the first episode lmao. try to compare her with Rhaenyra really, shes so one dimensional and all she cares about is revenge.
There are other bad points about rings of power like the recycling of stuff , you got female frodo and female sam, weird gandalf and other forced characters that are boring to try to appeal to everyone who watches(diversity) , they said it themselves.
I adore Tolkien's work and liked the LOTR trilogy but this shit is nothing like LOTR, only good point i can give is it looks Very good, but they same every episode cost about 60m to film so that makes sense.
"Women do not become king"
"they will never accept a woman as a king"
"now that you have a son, you will disinherit your daughter."
"the realm will not listen to a woman even if she is the best woman around."

The protagonist of the story is Rhaenrya. I won't spoil the show for you if you don't know the ending, but it's about her trials on the journey to replace her father as the ruling monarch of Westeros and having to fight off a society ruled by men who do not a) think a woman can rule or b) think a woman should rule, or both. That's feminism.

LMFAO I don't even wanna hear about diversity. The Velaryon's are pure Valyrian in blood, said so in episode 3 (and per canon) but are black in the show. All Valyrians are of pale, platinum blond and purple eyed stock in the source material. Why isn't this a complaint for you?

The black dwarf princess had no ulterior meanings to her messages in her acting. She is Durin's friend and wife, she tries to reconcile Elrond and Durin. She's a character and any issues you have with her should be directed to that not cause she's black.
Btw I didn't say Mihawk has regulae FS
Katakuris FS is piss poor power up, movie red shows Yasopp has far stronger FS

Shanks being a FS killer, Hawk Eye is some form of permanent level of CoO Future Sight. Like he can predict events years into the future, his CoO is always active impossible to land a hit on him. Something that can't be killed by "FS Killer" Shanks

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
I don't think Mihawk has ever taken a hit since developing that power
This sounds like some grade-A wank; this would be terrible
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