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I will never forgive Oda
I don’t think so but that’s definitely an opinion I can respect
And here I was ready for a fight
Martin freeman and Benadryl Cumberland were the best part of that trilogy. I’ll agree there was some cool stuff. But it was watered down by so much ass.

Kinda like the wano of lord of the rings.
Yeah, I can agree to that comparison. It should've been two movies like it was intended to be, before Jackson got roped into it and the studio tossed the full weight of their asses on Jackson to make it a 3 parter.

even you don’t believe that

Nobody said their story are carbone copy

Luffy is the new roger but has a different story and will do more in the end

Zoro will surpass mihawk yet Mihawk trained him, Zoro is part of a pirate crew etc etc

Same for Kobs and Garp : Kobs and Luffy have a rivalry and Kobs swore to catch him/fight him, Kobs was trained by Garp, Kobs is the most promising one/soon to be the strongest marine of his gen, Kobs is the one we are following since day one / training / improving etc just like the MC, Kobs stopped the MF war, Kobs even has something with BB now paralleling Roger/Garp and Xebec.

Just tell me who will be stronger than Koby in the Marine in his gen ? No one
Koby also said the next time he would meet Luffy he'd be much stronger but he was nowhere near Luffy's level. And he's not going to catch Luffy is he? Luffy's going to succeed in becoming Pirate King. Also don't forget Koby said he's also trying to reach both Luffy AND Zoro's level. And Koby can become the strongest Marine in his gen, sure, but it doesn't mean he'll be at Luffy's level.


Gol D. Roger

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Unfortunately Ray Ray has a history of being sidelined for the longest. In his prime days he rarely got the hype he deserved. Look at Oden who was the Ray equivalent for WB.
We never even got a flashback that directly concerns Rayleigh. He has enough hype already from the stuff he does at this age. Asking people to appear in a completely irrelevant situation is a Ndule tier argument. Don't join them.
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